
How does NTMY work?
Just come along on Friday after 9 p.m. Every night we have a theme activity: games, talks about different topics, parties, slide shows of travels to different countries, “hands-on” workshops like making jewellery or baking scones… To find out what’s on, take a look at our news.
Before and after the theme activity starts, there is always time for a chat with your friends!
How much does it cost?
First of all, come and have a look. Then, if you like NTMY, you are encouraged to become a member – the membership fee for the year 2014-2015 is just 25 Euro.
Are there any mother tongue speakers at NTMY? Because I only want to talk to native speakers!
Native speakers of English do come to the club but you’ll probably find out you enjoy talking to Italians or people of other nationalities as well!
How can speaking to Italians help me improve my English?
Communicating helps you activate your English – regardless of the nationality of the person you’re talking to. Most people actually find it easier to talk to non-native speakers of English, and you can learn a lot of English from non-native speakers, too.
Will there be people my age?
Our members range from age 19 to 60+, so….
Is NTMY useful for beginners? Will I feel out of place?
Many beginners come to NTMY; we also organise some activities specifically thought for them.
I have taken many courses but I’m so afraid of making mistakes!
Many people who come along feel a bit shy and just listen to the talks or to other people speaking at first... but after a while they usually join in a conversation. It’s almost impossible not to speak! What if people there speak worse English than mine? Won’t that “spoil” my English?
It won’t. Remember it took you time and effort to reach your level of English – this cannot be undone with just one chat.
Won’t these people end up just speaking Italian?
Sometimes we do, just because NTMY is a place where communication is the key to every activity. So if someone wants to make a point in conversation and gets stuck because they don’t know how to say it in English, they may switch to Italian – there’s always someone who helps them out.
Member? Why should I become a member?
NTMY wouldn’t exist without the people who come to it. Many members means many cultures/viewpoints/activities. Having many members also proves that we are a “vital” association.

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